In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, we express our gratitude for the blessings and strength granted to us, enabling the publication of Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): Alamtara: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting. In this edition, we are proud to present a collection of scholarly articles exploring various dimensions of da'wah, Islamic values, education, and social transformation. We extend our deepest appreciation to the authors for their intellectual contributions, the reviewers for their meticulous evaluations, and all parties involved in the publication process. May this edition serve as a source of inspiration and knowledge, fostering further research and dialogue within the academic community. We hope this journal continues to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and Islamic values, offering both practical and spiritual guidance in navigating the complexities of contemporary life. May Allah bless and grant success to this endeavor.
Published: 2024-12-30
Full Issue
Da'wah Messages in the Book Sorry God, I Almost Gave Up by Alfi Alghazi
67 - 79

Manajemen Resolusi Konflik Horizontal di PT BMB: Pendekatan Kolaboratif dalam Konteks Nilai Islam
80 - 86

Penyusunan Modul Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Microteaching di STAI Ali Bin Abi Thalib Surabaya
87 - 102

Analisis Konflik Penyerangan Asrama Papua di Surabaya Tahun 2019 : Solusi Berbasis Nilai Komunikasi Islam
103 - 114

Manajemen Dakwah dalam Perspektif Al-Quran
115 - 130

Pemanfaatan Audiobook dalam Bimbingan Perkawinan di Era Digitalisasi
131 - 143

Dakwah dan Perubahan Sosial di Kawasan Masjid Almadinah Dompet Duafa
144 - 164

Peran Pesantren dalam Penguatan Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia
165 - 198

Optimalisasi Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan melalui Media Youtube
199 - 207

Strategi Komunikasi Dakwah dalam Tafsir Fi Zilal Al-Qur’an: Perspektif Adabi-Ijtima‘I dan Haraki
208 - 219

Ulama dan Peranan Dakwah di Pesisir: Kontribusi dan Dampaknya
220 - 228

Hadis tentang Etika Komunikasi dalam Keluarga: Panduan untuk Komunikasi antar Anak dan Penanaman Akhlak
229 - 256

Komunikasi Interpersonal Orang Tua dalam Mengontrol Anak Menggunakan Gadget
257 - 264