Original title : Equality: Journal of Gender, Child, and Humanity Studies
Short title  : Equality
Abbreviation : Equality
Frequency : 2 Volume  (April and October)
DOI :  
E- ISSN :  On Process(Online)
P- ISSN :  On Process (Printed)
Editor-in-Chief : Dini Amalia, S.S., M.A
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Tarbiyatut Tholabah
Citation Analysis :  
Subject Area; Category : Studi Gender, Anak, dan Kemanusiaan
Discipline Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora

Equality: Journal of Gender, Child and Humanity Studies is the journal of Gender and Child Studies Centre (PSGA), Islamic Institute of Tarbiyatut Tholabah Lamongan, which is published periodically every 6 (six) months with a thematic in April and October. Equality as a dialectical place for scientific knowledge of academic people interested in gender and humanity studies, especially in equity, child, social inclusion, and woman issues, derived from multiple disciplines and perspective. The editor invited experts, researchers, academics, and activists to invest the thoughts in the form of research results or in-depth studies according to the focus and scope of Equality The original manuscript which has not been published in other media is highly appreciated. In addition, the editors have the right to select the submitted articles and effectuate some necessary editing process without deflecting the main substances of the author's idea. Equality is expected to transform a balanced relationship between men and women, as well as humanity. This journal can be accessed and utilized by anyone, with the specific intention of pursuing a harmonious social life that can be acquired in any aspect of humanistic life.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Equality: Journal of Gender, Child and Humanity Studies

Published: 2023-04-15

Optimalisasi Pelajar Perempuan untuk Membangun Kader Pemimpin Negeri

Muhammad Nur Hasan, Khoirus Sahro


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The Representation of an Ideal Family in Neil Gaiman’s Coraline

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Konsep Pendidikan Berbasis Gender dan Relevansinya dengan Tujuan Pendidikan Islam

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