Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics
The Global Journal of Islamic Education 's Statement of Publication Ethics and Malpractice, which derives primarily from the COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, clarifies the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in a journal, including editorial board members, editors, authors, and journal publishers.
Journal Publication Ethics Guidelines
The publication of articles in the peer-reviewed Global Journal of Islamic Education is an important foundation in the development of a coherent and respected body of scholarly knowledge. This is a direct reflection of the quality of the author's work and the institutions that support it. This Publication Ethics Statement and Malpractice Statement violates the ethical guidelines of all parties involved in the act of publication: authors, journal editors, peer reviewers, publishers, and readers/public. Islamic Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Tarbiyatut Tholabah Lamongan, as publisher, editor and editorial member of the Global Journal of Islamic Education, carries out the duty of guardianship over all stages of publishing seriously and recognizes their ethical responsibilities.
There will be no processing fee entitled to the submission and publication of selected articles in the Global Journal of Islamic Education. The Journal is also committed to ensuring that advertising, reprints, or other commercial revenues have no impact or influence on editorial decisions. Apart from that, the Postgraduate Islamic Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Tarbiyatut Tholabah Lamongan, as co-publisher, and the journal's Editorial Board will help communicate with other journals and/or publishers where they are located. useful and necessary.
Peer Review Policy
The Global Journal of Islamic Education applies COPE forms and ethical guidelines to peer reviewers. The journal conducts double-blind reviews, meaning the identities of reviewers and authors are hidden from the reviewers, and vice versa, during the review process. Thus, the author's full name must be omitted from the manuscript to ensure a blind review process. Author information and affiliations appear only on the submission form and final production of the selected manuscript.
Authors are obligated to participate in the peer-review process and cooperate fully by promptly responding to the editor's requests for raw data, clarifications, and proof of ethics approval and copyright clearance. In the event of a first decision of “revisions required”, authors should respond to reviewers' comments systematically, point by point, and in a timely manner, revise and resubmit their manuscript to the journal by the given deadline.
Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by two reviewers, and manuscript authors will be promptly notified of the results.
The Global Journal of Islamic Education also collaborates with reviewers through the Publon online platform. Journal editors must take all necessary steps to attach the identities of authors and reviewers.
Publication Decisions
The editor of the Global Journal of Islamic Education is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal should be published. Validation of the work in question and its importance to researchers and readers should always drive such decisions. Editors may be guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and limited by applicable legal requirements regarding copyright infringement, plagiarism, and malpractice behavior. Editors can consult with other editors or reviewers in making publication decisions.
Editors evaluate article content based on their intellectual capacity without regard to the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy. The editor's decision to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based solely on the importance, originality, and clarity of the paper, and the relevance of the study to the focus and scope of the journal.
Editors and editorial board members should ensure the process of reviewing and selecting published work confirms the journal's ethical guidelines and take the necessary steps to apply a blind review process to each submission.
During manuscript evaluation, editors and editorial board members must conceal the identities of reviewers and manuscript authors to ensure a double-blind review process. The editors facilitate anonymous correspondence between authors and reviewers. Following editorial decisions for acceptance for publication, disclosure of identity is deemed appropriate.
All manuscripts received by reviewers or partners must be treated as confidential documents. They may not be displayed or discussed with others unless permitted by the editor and author. Unpublished articles may not be used in the editor's own research without written consent from the author. Confidential information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
The manuscript review process must be carried out objectively. Reviewers must provide their views clearly and follow with supporting arguments.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Reviewers should not consider reviewing articles that they consider to have a conflict of interest, for example, because of personal/professional relationships with authors, companies, or institutions associated with the manuscript.
Duties of the Editorial Board
The editorial board of the Global Journal of Islamic Education is composed of recognized experts in fields within the journal's focus and scope. Editorial Board members will be involved in reviewing submitted manuscripts. Members advise the editor on the policy and scope of the journal, assist the editor in identifying topics for special issues—for which members may serve as guest editors—, attract new authors and submissions, promote the journal to their colleagues and peers and assist the editor in decision making on issues such as claims of plagiarism and differences of opinion between reviewers regarding the manuscript.
Editor's Duties
The editor of the Global Journal of Islamic Education must take the necessary steps to follow the COPE guidelines for journal editors which regulate, among other things, the relationship between the editor and the author, the relationship with reviewers, the relationship with members of the editorial board, the relationship with the publisher and ethics. guidelines for the editorial process and possible errors.
The editors of the Global Journal of Islamic Education must take all reasonable steps to endeavor to meet the needs of readers and authors; to continuously improve the journal; to ensure the quality of the material they publish; to fight for freedom of expression; to maintain the integrity of academic records; to prevent business needs from compromising intellectual standards; to encourage ethical research and publication; to always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.
The editor is willing to be responsible for everything published in the Global Journal of Islamic Education and actively seeks the views of authors, readers, reviewers and members of the editorial board on ways to improve the quality of the journal.
Editors should support initiatives designed to prevent research and publication errors, educate authors about publication ethics, encourage responsible behavior, and prevent errors.
Relationship with readers
Editors should ensure that all published articles have been reviewed by qualified reviewers (including statistical review where appropriate), adopting processes that promote accuracy, completeness and clarity.
Relationship with the author
The editor's decision to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based on the paper's importance, originality and clarity, and the validity of the study and relevance to the remit of the journal.
Editors may not reverse the decision to accept a submission unless serious problems are identified with the submission.
Relationship with reviewers
The editors provide guidance to reviewers about everything that is expected of them including the need to handle materials submitted as confidential documents.
Editors must ensure that materials submitted to the journal remain confidential while they are under review.
Editors must conceal the identity of authors whose manuscripts are in the peer-review process and guarantee the anonymity of authors and reviewers of manuscripts
Relationship with members of the editorial board
Editors provide guidance on what is expected of members and keep existing members updated on new policies and developments.
Relations with publishers
The editors guarantee the exercise of academic freedom, independence and fairness and must make decisions on which articles to publish based on their quality and suitability for the journal and without interference from the publisher.
Protect individual data
Editors comply with laws regarding the confidentiality of individual information obtained during submission, review process, and publication. Accordingly, editors should take the necessary steps to obtain written consent for publication from authors or persons who may identify themselves or be identified by others (e.g. from case reports or photographs).
Address possible violations
Editors have a duty to act if they suspect infringement or if an allegation of infringement is brought to their attention. This obligation applies to those being reviewed, published as well
Unpublished paper
Editors should not simply reject papers that raise concerns about possible infringement. They are ethically obliged to pursue alleged cases.
The editor shall use all reasonable efforts to ensure that an appropriate investigation of alleged violations is conducted; if this does not occur, the editor shall use all reasonable efforts to persist in obtaining a resolution to the matter.
Ensure the integrity of academic records and intellectual property
Editors must promptly correct errors and inaccurate or misleading statements. Editors must be aware of intellectual property issues and collaborate with the Islamic Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Tarbiyatut Tholabah Lamongan, as publisher of the Global Journal of Islamic Education, to deal with potential violations of intellectual property law and conventions.
Reviewer Duties
Contribution to Editorial Decisions
Reviewers assist the editor in making editorial decisions and, through editorial communication with the author, can also assist the author in improving the manuscript.
Any selected referee/reviewer who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that prompt review is not possible, should notify the editor and withdraw from the review process.
All manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They may not be shown or discussed with others unless permitted by the editor.
Objectivity Standards
Reviews must be carried out objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referees must express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
A reviewer's decision to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based solely on the importance, originality, and clarity of the paper, and the relevance of the study to the focus and scope of the journal.
Source Acknowledgment
Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the author. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument has been previously reported should be accompanied by relevant citations. Reviewers should also call to the editor's attention any substantial similarities or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and other published papers of which they are personally aware.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain. Reviewers should not consider reviewing manuscripts that they feel have a conflict of interest resulting from relationships or connections with the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the paper.
Writer's Duties
Reporting standards
The author of an original research report must present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance. The underlying data must be represented accurately on the paper. A paper should contain enough details and references to allow others to replicate the work. Deceptive or intentionally inaccurate statements are unethical and unacceptable behavior.
Originality and Plagiarism
Authors must ensure that they have written entirely original work and appropriately quote or quote the work and/or words of others that they use.
Multiple, Multiple, or Concurrent Publications An author may not generally publish manuscripts describing substantially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously is unethical and unacceptable publishing behavior.
Source Acknowledgment
Proper recognition of the work of others should always be given. Authors must ensure that they have written and submitted only entirely original work, and if they have used the work and/or words of others, that these have been properly cited. Publications that were influential in determining the nature of the work reported in the manuscript should also be cited. Plagiarism comes in many forms, from "passing off" another person's paper as the author's own, copying or paraphrasing large portions of another person's paper (without attribution), to claiming results from research conducted by someone else.
Script Writing
Only people who meet these authorship criteria should be listed as authors on the manuscript because they must be able to take public responsibility for the content: (i) made significant contributions to the conception, design, implementation, data acquisition, or study analysis/interpretation; and (ii) draft the manuscript or revise it critically for important intellectual content; and (iii) have seen and approved the final version of the paper and approved its submission for publication. All persons who made substantial contributions to the editor's report of work in the manuscript (such as technical assistance, writing and editing assistance, general support) but who do not meet the authorship criteria should not be listed as authors but should be acknowledged in the “Acknowledgments” section after their written permission to be named has been obtained. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors (according to the above definition) and no inappropriate co-authors are included in the author list and verify that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed to its submission for publication.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Authors should—at the earliest possible stage (generally by submitting a disclosure form at the time of submission and including a statement in the manuscript)—disclose any conflicts of interest that might be interpreted as having an influence on the results or their interpretation in the manuscript. Examples of potential conflicts of interest that must be disclosed include financial ones such as honoraria, educational grants, other funding, and non-financial ones such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge of, or beliefs in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. All sources of financial support for the work must be disclosed (including grant numbers or other reference numbers, if any). Acknowledgment of the article's funding source and the significant contribution of the institution and/or individual to the article's production should be clearly stated in the "Acknowledgement" section.
Fundamental errors in published work
When an author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in his published work, it is the author's obligation to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and work with the editor to retract or correct the paper.
Publisher's Duties
Islamic Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Tarbiyatut Tholabah Lamongan, takes all necessary steps to monitor and promote the sustainability of the Journal of contemporary Islamic thought and philosophy. He works with editors and editorial board members to create relevant journal policies and guidelines. It also provides and maintains an online platform for journals and helps with publication and indexing of journal articles.
Publishers ensure that journal editors, authors, and reviewers adopt best publishing policies and practices. It will review journal policies regularly and update policies when necessary.
The publisher will also work and collaborate with editors and editorial board members to handle any potential cases of violations of intellectual property and law. If necessary, the publisher appoints an “ethics commission” to advise the editor and editorial board members on possible publication errors, potential violations of journal policies and guidelines, and intellectual property and law.
Access to journal content
The publisher is committed to the permanent availability and preservation of published manuscripts and ensures the accessibility of the journal's content.
Publishers seek to increase the visibility of published works by maintaining data sets, archiving, abstracting, and indexing published works.
The publisher is responsible for archiving the journal contents. It uses the LOCKSS (Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and allows those libraries to create permanent archives of journals for preservation and restoration purposes.
Ethical Concerns
The editor (together with the publisher, editorial board members, reviewers, ethics commission, and/or the public) will take responsive action when ethical issues are raised in connection with a submitted manuscript or published paper. Any reported unethical publishing actions will be checked, even if discovered years after publication. Editors follow the COPE Flowchart when handling cases of suspected misconduct.
Handling unethical publishing behavior
In cases of suspected or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication, or plagiarism, the publisher, in close cooperation with the editor and members of the editorial board and the necessary ethics commissions-, will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation to amend the article in question. This includes immediate publication of an error, clarification, or, in the most severe cases, retraction of the affected work. Publishers, together with editors, must take reasonable steps to identify and prevent publication of papers in which research errors have occurred, and under no circumstances encourage such errors or knowingly allow such errors to occur.
Plagiarism Prevention Policy
Plagiarism in all its forms is unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. The Journal of contemporary Islamic thought and philosophy applies plagiarism detection to every manuscript submitted. Journals use Turnitin to track similarity levels, and authors will be well informed about the results of similarity checks. For more information about similarities and plagiarism, please check the journal's plagiarism notice.
Privacy Statement
This statement clarifies the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing articles in this journal, including the author, editor-in-chief, editorial board, peer-reviewers, and publisher of the Journal of Contemporary Islamic Thought and Philosophy. The name and email address listed on submission will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal and will not be made available to any other purpose or to any other party.