Analysis of Speech Acts in The Animation Serial Film Upin & Ipin and Adit Sopo & Jarwo
Main Article Content
This research aims to describe the forms of speech acts in the
form of non-speech locution, illocution, and perlocution in the
animated films of Adit Sopo and Jarwo and Upin & Ipin. The
method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method.
The sources obtained were through the animated films of Adit
Sopo and Jarwo and Upin & Ipin on episodes with the theme
of Eid. Based on data analysis, it has been found that in the
animated film Adit Sopo and Jarwo there are types of speech
acts of locution, illocution, and perlocution. Likewise with the
animated film Upin and Ipin. In the animated film Adit Sopo
& Jarwo, speech acts that often appear are illocutionary acts of
directive type, and the least that appears is the act of speech
management, as well as Upin & Ipin animated films. This
shows that the location of neighboring countries and cultures
that are not so much different in celebrating Eid can be
influential in making the two animated films so that the speech
acts that appear have almost the same percentage.
Article Details
International Edition.
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Sumber Online
Aneka Kartun (2016). Adit Sopo dan Jarwo saudara berkunjung semua tersanjung. [you
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FiperTV (2019). Upin & Ipin tibanya Syawal [you tube video] diakses 25 Maret 2020
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