Journal Name  : Journal of English Language and Pedagogy
Journal initials  : JELP
Frequency  : 2 issues per year (Januari and July)
Number of articles per issue  : 5 research articles and reviews per issue
DOI  : https://10.58518/jelp
ISSN  : 2988-4438 (Online)
Editor-in-Chief  : Moh. Kavin Lidinillah, M.Hum
Publisher  : Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Institut Agama Islam Tarbiyatut Tholabah 
Citation Analysis  :

 Google ScholarGaruda



Journal of English Language and Pedagogy is a journal for the study and development of English in the scope of educational and teaching studies, culture, literature, and linguistics. In its entity as a forum and media for: 1) developing knowledge based on literature and empirical results, 2) encouraging the birth of new research thoughts and actions within the scope of concepts and practices of developing English within the scope of related studies. This journal aims to advance and disseminate knowledge in the field of English language education and teaching, as well as the relation of English in the sphere of culture, literature and linguistics which is being studied in Indonesia, in order to increase the power and results of educational institutions/organizations/companies in Indonesia. This media is aimed at managers, lecturers, students, teachers and other parties who have an interest in the field of English education and teaching, as well as the relationship between the role of English and the realms of culture, literature and linguistics.

ISSN (online): 2988-4438

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Journal of English Language and Pedagogy

Journal of English Language and Pedagogy received many submissions in this issue, after rigorous reviews and selection processes we decided to accept 4 articles. All articles include 9 Authors. 4 Articles are affiliated from 2 Indonesian institutions (Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember, Universitas K.H Mukhtar Syafa'at)


Published: 2024-07-31

The Effect of Flipped Classroom Method on Students Writing Skill in Descriptive Text

Page: 55-64

Disha Firnatha, Widya Oktarini , Nurkamilah
  Abstract views: 294 times,   PDF Download: 129  times
               DOI :

The The Implementation of Task-Based Teaching by Using Translation Method to Improve Student’s Reading Skill


Page: 65-72

Moh Mahmud, Lailia Dyah Puteri Wahdani
  Abstract views: 384 times,   PDF Download: 81  times
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The Effect of English Language Speech Assistant (Elsa) Application on Improving Students' Speaking Skills

Page: 73-78

Mega Putri
  Abstract views: 384 times,   PDF Download: 108  times
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The Effect of English Subtitle in English Video on Listening Comprehension


Page: 79-88

Lusi Firdausi
  Abstract views: 600 times,   PDF Download: 252  times
               DOI :
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