Faktor Pendukung dan Penghambat Penerapan Metode Jigsaw pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar
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This research describes the supporting and obstacle factors in implementing the Jigsaw method in social studies learning for grade V elementary schools. The type of research used is a case study with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. The Miles and Huberman model data analysis technique which includes data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of the research show that the supporting factors are the fulfillment of school facilities and infrastructure, as well as the active role of the school, both by teachers and school principals through programs that are able to increase teacher competence in relation to learning at school and the inhibiting factor is the Jigsaw method which requires time old and smart students tend not to want to be put together. The application of the Jigsaw method in class V social studies learning in elementary schools begins with the preparation of learning tools such as lesson plans. The implementation process carried out by the teacher in learning includes initial or opening activities, core activities and final activities. The initial activities were carried out by the teacher by providing motivation and apperception. In the core activity, the teacher implements the Jigsaw method through the steps that have been prepared. In the final activity, the teacher provides a conclusion. The evaluation process is carried out through written tests. The results show effectiveness in the learning process and are able to improve learning outcomes for students.
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